What you can learn from Ritz-Carlton
Ritz-Carlton is one of the top hotel chains with a legendary culture focusing on customer service. Its motto is: “We Are Ladies and Gentlemen Serving Ladies and Gentlemen!” The employees must treat workplace colleagues with the same dignity they incorporate with guests.
The three steps of service require giving the guest a warm and sincere greeting, using the guest’s name when possible, anticipating and complying with guest needs, and saying a fond farewell, again using the guest’s name. When the Ritz-Carlton employees communicate with guests, they use words like ‘no problem”, “absolutely”, and “my pleasure”. The employees are empowered to solve problems immediately, without checking with a supervisor. An employee can commit a certain amount of hotel funds to bring an instant resolution to a guest’s problem. How about giving your front desk person the discretion to lower a patient’s bill, if the patient does not have a positive experience? What a revolutionary idea!
To implement Ritz-Carlton’s “culture of service”, you must have frequent employee huddles focusing exclusively on customer service. Combining first-class customer service with first-class clinical care will boost new patient referrals and case acceptance. Patients will come to your practice, if customer service and convenience are your top priorities. Making life convenient for patients would also include extending the appointment times to evenings and weekends.
One of the results of the comprehensive training program is that it gives the customer a sense of belonging. The patient should feel “I am somebody special”. When a patient leaves the practice, even though the bill was quite high, they should think “it really was worth it”.